Hey Curlies, I know its been a while, but I’m back into the swing of things, and I’m here to give you a review for some products from the Mielle Organics line. This line is now available in most Sally Beauty Supply stores. I got my hands on the Cowash, Deep Conditioner, Leave in Peony, Mint Almond Oil, as well as the Hair Milk. I hope you guys enjoy this review & leave any comments below!

Mielle Organics Detangling Cowash $13.99 8oz

This is the first Cowash I’ve ever used outside of my trusty As I Am cowash my entire natural hair journey. Right off the bat, to compare the Mielle cowash to the As I Am cowash, I was already kind of turned off because you are getting less product but yet paying more money. But I still got it to try and be fair. The product smells pretty fruity in the bottle, but when you put it on your hair, it has a slight banana fragrance (it doesn’t linger though!). This cowash literally melts in your hair, zero suds, zero lather. Which I’m not used to because As I Am has a rich enough lather to make you feel comfortable that there is product on your hair. It definitely lives up to its name, because this thing can really detangle, the slip is unreal, so its amazing for those days that I would rather finger detangle, than use a wide tooth comb. Unfortunately, I almost used the whole bottle, and for me to only get ONE use out of it was a no go. Naturals typically cowash more than they shampoo, so I would prefer more than 8oz to get through this thick head of hair. There are better alternatives on the market when it comes to cowashes in my opinion. 3 out of 5 stars

Mielle Organics Babassu Oil & Mint Deep Conditioner $14.99 8oz

This product right here definitely made up for the cowash! The texture is so smooth and rich. The slip on this is really great too. When you first apply this product, its really makes your hair feel like silk. It is only 8oz, but a little bit goes a long way. This product also claims to double as a protein treatment, so whether you are natural, relaxed, transitioning from anything, it will be beneficial to have this product because it can reduce hair breakage & aid in retaining length. Once you rinse this product out, you are left with the shiniest, most defined curls. If you get only one product from this collection, make it this deep conditioner, its definitely worth the money! 5 out of 5 stars!

Mielle Organics White Peony Leave in Conditioner $15.99 8oz

This product kind of surprised me. Since I have super thick, frizzy curls, I normally go for products that are richer creams, I hardly even reach for a water based leave in like this. Its pretty water based, but still has a bit if a creamy texture to it. This product is a great base for whatever styler you will use next. Off the bat though, I had to take off the cap, because spray nozzles like this drive me loco lol! It’s just easier for me to pour it in my hand, then apply the product. This leave in is more beneficial for someone with pretty fine hair, or if you are about to heat style your hair and just need a good moisture base, or even just as a refresher. But if you have pretty thick hair, and don’t want to shell out $16 for some water in a bottle, it won’t hurt to skip this product. 4 out of 5 stars

Mielle Organics Mint Almond Oil $13.99 8oz

If you are a person that is into DIYs, I know you will definitely skip this product. It literally has 3 ingredients; Sweet Almond Oil, Soybean Oil, and Peppermint Oil (and in that order). So its not hard to whip up this product yourself. But if you are into more store bought products (like myself) then this product is great. This oil is a great multi use product. You can use it for prepoo ( like I did), I also used it to seal my hair with the LOC method, you can just use it for shine, or prep your hair for any kind of heat or chemical service. My favorite thing about this product is how lightweight it is. No greasy oily mess at all. Also, the peppermint oil in this is great for simulating the scalp, which can aid in hair growth! 4.5 out of 5 stars (just because you really don’t neeeed this product, its just pretty convenient)

Mielle Organics Avocado Hair Milk $15.99 80z

This hair milk is thicker and richer than I expected. In the bottle it moves like a lotion, but on your hair it feels like a crème. I kind of got nervous because it leaves a white film on the hair, that thankfully dries clear. This and the White Peony Leave in have the same perfume kind of smell. But this milk is ultra moisturizing, great moisture for even the kinkiest textures. But this product does have a holding factor, so if you are looking for some hold, eco styler goes really well with this product! But the thickness of this product is great if you’re looking to do a fluffy braid/twist out, or any low manipulation styles with very light hold. 4 out of 5 stars

All in all, I hope you enjoyed my review on the Mielle Organics line which can be found in Target as well as Sally’s Beauty Supply! Have you ever tried any of these products? Would you ever try them? Any questions, leave them below!

Lets stay connected

Instagram: @carinescurls

Tumblr: carinealexandra.tumblr.com

Youtube: (coming very soon!)




Thinking about transitioning? Whether you are coming from relaxed hair, heat damaged hair, or even color damaged (I’ve transitioned from all three!). I started my transition in 2011, and ended it in 2014. I’ve come up with some tips that helped me grow out my natural hair, that I want to share with you!

Product Junkie!!

I was a product junkie (PJ), and still kinda am (lol). I don’t know if that part of me will ever really die. But I feel like experimenting is absolutely okay! I feel like trail and error is a way for you to get to know your hair likes and dislikes. Get to know if your hair does okay with silicones or does your hair prefer more natural products? Experimenting will help you build your regimen. But once something works, keep it, use it, finish it! Also, the most expensive products, don’t always give the best results.

You Are Starting A Journey

This is definitely a process that you have to be patient with. Also, you are starting a journey some people may not agree with. Natural hair may not be a new trend, but there are still some haters out there, but never let that discourage you to discontinue your journey. There is so much inspiration out there, so stay focused on that, and not on the critics, they will eventually come around. My parents where once my biggest critics, now they are my biggest supporters lol!

Know What Kind of Natural YOU are!

I started my transition 4 years ago. At that time, everyone was on the curly girl method. All natural everything pretty much. So I stayed away from every product that had silicones just because some else told me to! I had never tried silicone products to even see if I liked them, because I gave someone else the power of what is right for my hair! But when I changed my thinking, and actually took charge of my hair, I realized my hair loves silicones, it helps a ton with my frizz! What I’m trying to say is are you a natural that will flat iron her hair ever so often? Because that’s okay. Are you going to color your hair? Because that’s okay too. Will you just chill out and rock your virgin hair? Because that’s cool too! Knowing how you treat you hair once you are fully natural helps decide what products to use & a regimen to protect your hairs integrity. As long as there is no chemicals altering your curl pattern, there is no right or wrong way to be natural.

Try to Purse A “No Heat” Journey

I feel like this is important because constant heat can weaken that line of demarcation (where the natural and relaxed her meet), which can result in breakage. When I transitioned, I went a whole year without heat (2013-2014). No flat irons, blow-dryers, not even a diffuser! My had minimal breakage, shiner, and stronger hair. If you must put heat to your hair, stretch it out, maybe put heat once a month. But of you truly want to get the most benefits of no heat, I would recommend going without any heat for at least 6 months during the transitioning period

Protective Styling

Protective styling (PS) will be your saving grace other than deep conditioning during the transition period. It allows time for you hair to breathe and grow, without having you deal with those two textures. I’m a classic kind of natural, so I only wore two styles and that was buns and flat twist outs. But there are so many PS that you can try like braidouts, flexi/perm rod sets, crochet braids, Marley twist/braids, yarn twist/braids, faux locs, etc! In 2016, the possibilities are endless when it comes to protective styles. But no matter what protective style you have, remember to still take care of your hair underneath, and don’t keep any style to long.


For some of us, this could be a real pain. But I found a process that I would do in my transition for easier detangling that I still do to this day in my NHJ. Before shampooing or Cowashing, I will use conditioner. This wouldn’t be my main conditioner, and I would prefer for it to be pretty large because I will be using a lot of it (Tresemme is my favorite, but Aussie Moist is a good choice to, or V05). I would have my hair in 4 sections, wet it in the shower (or use a spray bottle), drown my hair in that conditioner, and start detangling. You can use a wide tooth comb, or brush, or even your fingers, its up to you. But this technique works on all textures, and getting out those knots & shed hair before hand just makes wash day a lot easier.

Deeeeeeep Conditioning

These tips aren’t in any particular order, but if it was, this would be #1! Deep Conditioning (DC) has helped my hair retain so much moisture, and helped my new growth retain moisture when I was transitioning. You should be DC at least once a week. While I was transitioning, the Aubrey Organics was my favorite to DC with. Now currently I switch between Mielle and EBW

TRIM Your Hair

Get scissor happy! I know the point of transitioning to  keep the length you have, but remember that all those damaged ends will be gone eventually, so don’t get to attached. Try to create a schedule that you’re cool with. An inch every month? An inch every two months? Its up to you!

Enjoy Your Journey!

Learning about your hair is another way of getting to know yourself. If you get hate ignore it! Your hair is beautiful at every stage of your transition. Be in control of your hair!


I hope some of these tips helped! If you have tips that I didn’t mention that could also help transitioners, comment below!

Let stay connected

Instagram: @carinescurls

Tumblr: carinealexandraa@tumblr.com

YouTube: (coming soon!)